You gotta love last minute decisions. I had been hoping to get out to this show anyways, but my schedule went completely awry when Microsoft Outlook decided to crash and not re-open for a week. Long story short, I saw someone send a tweet that included a link to an Airborne Toxic Event on Blip.fm. Then it hit me that the band was scheduled to be in Toronto early in March and a quick Google told me that that night was tonight. Well, one advantage of living so close to a GO Station is events just like this. A quick change of clothes and I'm on my way downtown on the train, jump in a cab and within 10 minutes I'm on College Street at the Mod Club.
Much to my surprise the show was sold-out, I had no idea this many people in Toronto were hip to Airborne Toxic Event. A few minutes of sidewalk negotiation with a freelance ticket broker got me the access that I needed. By this time I had missed the opening act, which turned out to be fellow East LA band The Henry Clay People. I squeezed into a spot about halfway up the floor with a great view of the stage.
The group showed a ton of energy from the opening chord through to the 2-song encore. Stand out tracks like Wishing Well, Papillion, Gasoline were well received. Sometime Around Midnight and Does This Mean You're Moving on were greeted with applause by the receptive and appreciative crowd. Singer and guitarist Mikel Jollet explained that he had been advised to cancel the show by his doctor because of a developing case of laryngitis. This proved prophetic as the next 2 shows in Ottawa and Montreal had to be cancelled.
Highlights of the show was the playing of violinist Anna Bulbrook and the encore when the crowd was invited to join the band on the stage. Great band, great night :)